Soul Shift

Soul Shift is a metroidvania action puzzle-platformer where you play as a shade that can possess other monsters and use their powers to fight, navigate, and eventually escape the dark and dangerous dungeon!

Yes, the game is a bit of a buggy mess; I was making big changes right up until the submission deadline (nearly 24hrs straight working on it was insane).
I hope you can enjoy Soul Shift for what it is, and the vision of what it could become <3


WASD to Move.
Space to Jump; hold to jump higher.
Left Click to Attack.
Right Click to Dash (or use a special attack).
Left Shift to Possess nearby dead enemies and transform into them.

Game Design Document

Known Bugs

Bad / Low Framerate:

Possible fixes: Try a different browser (recommend firefox), turn on hardware acceleration.

Loading into a void:

Possible fixes: Try a different browser, turn on hardware acceleration, try to load level in fullscreen.

Exploding Bats:


Doubled World when restarting:

Current workaround: just refresh :)

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